Solid DNA blog

Blog about stuff on Solid Edge CAD software


Product structure

clip_image002Product structure is underestimate when we talk about performance. A good structure will give you a good start. Even if CAD software has good DNA you need to make sure the assembly has a good start.

Before you commit yourself to 3D, you may want to define the overall assembly structure for the project.

Virtual component help you do that.

Structure is build by mixing virtual component and real component.

When you have finished defining the assembly structure and layout sketch, you can publish the assembly. Publishing the assembly creates the new Solid Edge documents required, copies assembly sketch geometry to the new documents, and adds the 3D geometry for existing Solid Edge documents to the assembly.

To link last article about managing properties to this one, a virtual structure can be open inside the properties manger to start filling information, making possible to define proper properties for each component.

Virtual component

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